***** Exciting development!!! *****
With some extra funding, help, equipment hire, material donations (Thanks to Hensels Ace Hardware in Arcata! ) we are going to paint the WHOLE wall…..!!
So it’s double (actually more the double) the size…. the work load, the materials etc… but it is going to make such a impact.
Here is the design if the whole wall:

A huge Thankyou to our sponsors Coast Credit Union and Redwood Capital Bank for their generous donations outside of the go fund me. To The Humboldt Redwood company who donated $300. Also to the owner of the building who donated $1000 and the owner of Global Gallery who is also kindly donating $1000!
We are at nearly $5000!
~ A Community Funded Mural project for downtown Arcata ~ A mural to beautify our town and pay respect to the land.
▪️Initiated by Artist and Arcata resident Tamar Atik. Made possible by the help and support of The Ink People.
▪️A Community funded Mural Project with the theme and title ‘Honor The Land’
▪️The Mural will be painted on the wall on the corner of H and 10th street. Seen when facing South towards the plaza.
▪️ The mural is proposed to be painted in June.
▪️The mission is to encourage healing and connection to the earth through art. Tamar is a passionate artist with a wish to bring art with a purpose to community spaces. She designed this mural with the intention of bringing awareness to the natural beauty and cycles of our planet and the importance of honoring it.
▪️To make this project a reality we need donations from the community! The goal is to raise $10000 to pay for materials, equipment hire, insurance, permits and the artists time to plan, prep, paint and seal the mural.
▪️15% of all funds raised will go to The Ink People:
More about the Ink people:
'The Ink People has been changing people's lives since 1979 by connecting the community with resources for cultural development. We encourage people to exercise their humanity, build civic discourse, and engage their creative potential. We are a community-based, grassroots, artist-run, arts and culture organization. We know that young people are the future and are incredibly challenged by today's world, so we try to give them tools to build successful and fulfilling lives.'
Photos and more details below….
The intention of the mural, ‘Honor the Land’ is to inspire in people a respect for the land that we inhabit. To encourage people to reflect on where we live and what was here long before us. It will tap into our instincts of honoring the cycles of Mother Nature. Remind us to connect with our surroundings and to respect all living things.
This mural’s mission is to bring more art, color and light to arcata. To encourage more community art and to facilitate deeper thoughts and healing conversations about our earth, it’s well-being and our duty to take care of it.
It will have elements of sea, sky, stars, the moon cycles, mountains, deer, and salmon, with a Torus in the center. The shape known as a 'Torus' is a self-organizing system of energy and geometry that flows through itself constantly. It can be found everywhere in nature, in ourselves and even in the cosmos.
To make Project: ‘Honor The Land’ a reality, we need funding from the community. The goal is to raise $10000 to paint the mural on the wall of the ground level of the building.
All money raised will go through The Ink People. And will be used to cover the cost of materials, insurance, permits, equipment hire and the artists time in planning, prepping, painting and sealing the mural.
15% of money raised will go to directly to the Ink People.
Any money raised over the goal will be be donated the Wiyot Tribe Tuluwat fund.
Accounts of money spent will be available for those who wish to see.
The images shown are digital mock ups of what the Mural will look like. When painted on the wall the colors and shapes may vary slightly.
All donations big and small are greatly appreciated!
Together we can brighten up downtown Arcata and encourage more art, healing and connection in an already very vibrant and artistic community.
THANKYOU so much for your support.
If you want to see more of the artists work go to www.tamaratikart.com or @tamaratikart on Instagram.