Last month, I was contacted by a woman who had noticed her 10 month old kitten was heavily panting & took him to her nearby vet. The vet indicated that Garfield had fluid that accumulated around his heart & was told the only option was to euthanize him.
She frantically posted to Facebook asking for help/advice from anyone anywhere that could help save her dying cat. That was when I reached out.
She came by & surrendered Garfield the next day, where we immediately began work on him. First, we had the fluid extracted from around Garfield’s heart. This gave him immediate relief and he was able to breathe normally again. We also started him on daily heart meds- one is a diuretic, which would help prevent the reaccumulation of fluid.
After 3 weeks of meds & monitoring, and without any recurring episodes, we decided Garfield seemed to be doing really well! The fluid had not reaccumulated and he was in great spirits. However, our vet at CatNap, Dr. Chrissy, didn’t feel comfortable putting Garfield up for adoption without understanding the potential underlying cause for his heart episode. For weeks, we were under the impression that Garfield would live a short life and eventually succumb to heart disease at a young age. We thought he probably wouldn’t be a candidate for adoption due to his abnormal heart, but we did the testing anyway.
Yesterday, Garfield went in for chest X-Rays and an Echocardiogram of his heart. And today we received his results, which are nothing short of a miracle.
We were told that Garfield’s heart is 100% normal! His heart is normal size, normal thickness and valves all normal. The doctors suspect he had some sort of infection causing the myocarditis and fluid build up.
We have been given the “all clear” to take Garfield off of all heart related medications and seeing as he is in perfect health, he is now a candidate for adoption!
We are so grateful to CatNap for giving this boy a chance & taking him under their wing. His life nearly ended far too soon, all because of a simple misunderstanding.
Please help CatNap recoup some of the medical costs for Garfield’s diagnostics by donating to our cause. Thank you for your support!
Here is our beautiful boy, Garfield, who will be available for adoption soon!